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Think Like a Cheetah: Our Top Tips for Successful Email Marketing

Written by Lori McKenna | Apr 30, 2024 10:39:01 AM

Crafting successful emails and curating top hits have a few things in common. Behind every great song lies a catchy hook that instantly grabs listeners’ attention. Similarly, the best emails engage with a memorable message and strike a chord with broad audiences. And just as the infectious chorus of a popular tune can turn an average get-together into an epic celebration, well-crafted emails are powerful tools in your marketing arsenal, driving engagement, inspiring action, and boosting conversions.

If you’ve struggled thus far, maybe it’s time to rethink your approach and adopt a more strategic mindset. In short, if you want to be successful in email marketing, think like a CHEETAH!

Captivate Your Readers

How many boring emails do you scroll through daily until you find one that compels you to open? What made you click? Maybe the subject line was funny, informative, or promised an offer you couldn’t resist. Either way, you opened it, which was no easy task for the sender. We’re all too familiar with the challenge in the world of email marketing for vacation rentals, and we’ve learned a few things that might be helpful.

Crafting effective email subject lines is one of the most essential elements of email marketing, and it’s worth the extra time and effort to do it right. Now, with attention spans shorter than ever, it’s critical to get to the point quickly and do it in a way that separates you from a sea of competitors. Consider what would grab your attention, then pique your subscriber’s interest by solving their problems in a new and refreshing way. 

B2 Tip: Be specific, use plenty of action verbs, and avoid vague or misleading wording.

Use a Human Tone 

Once you’ve gotten them to open your email, the next challenge is to deliver on the subject line promise with valuable, relevant, and timely content. Your emails will have different goals depending on where your consumers are in the pipeline, just as ours do when email marketing for vacation rentals. Begin by putting your audience’s needs first, then strive to keep their attention with simple, informative copy. 

Since you only have a brief window of opportunity to drive them to action, write in a way that makes sense to them, using a natural human tone. While content writing informs and engages, email marketing aims to convert, so include a clear call to action with a sense of urgency. Using authentic language throughout will keep their interest, drive clicks, and increase the likelihood of achieving your email marketing goals!

Entertain Your Audience

Building genuine connections with your audience is easier if you provide compelling narratives and fresh perspectives. Even though your competitors may have similar offerings, no one else shares your unique experiences, so capitalize on them and make yourself stand out!

Consider your audience's challenges, and use language that plays on emotional connections. Try to eliminate unnecessary words and jargon, avoid acronyms, and break up heavy blocks of text as necessary. If you can find a way to spin your message creatively, you’re bound to leave an impression, and they’ll be more likely to engage! 

Easy Reads Work Best

What do you want your email to achieve? Is it designed to nurture leads, increase brand awareness, or promote products and services? Define the goal and be clear about your objectives. Simple copy works best and will appeal to a broader audience. If you’re unsure, use Readable to assess and improve readability, then test email performance to determine which reading level works best. Knowing your audience and what they have in common will help you tailor your message effectively, ensuring it resonates and aligns with your overall marketing strategy.

Transitions Matter

Short paragraphs with bullet points and subheaders for structure are a good outline, but give some thought to transitions in your emails. Go beyond a horizontal line and some white space—push the design and get creative! When email marketing for vacation rentals, we make impactful changes by incorporating high-quality images, compelling graphics, and eye-catching visuals. Transitions like these get the reader's attention, break messages into easily digestible pieces, and let them scan through quickly to determine if they want to read the copy for further details. 

B2 Tip: Pay attention to email dimensions and graphic size and optimize for various devices and screen sizes.

Animate When Appropriate

Another way to separate your emails from dozens of others is with animations. When used sparingly and intentionally, they’re a great way to support and complement your copy, drawing the eye and engaging subscribers in a fun and exciting way. It’s important to note that while animations can be effective in many industries, they may not be appropriate for all, so consider your audience before incorporating them.

Ensure Harmony in Messages and Content

If you’ve made it this far, you’re well on your way to creating compelling marketing emails, so congratulations! But what happens after the click? Are the tone and style of your emails consistent with the messaging on your website? Do they seamlessly guide the reader through a cohesive brand experience, reinforcing key messages and values? 

Ensuring uniform images, fonts, and content across all marketing channels is essential to give your audience a seamless brand experience, from email to website and beyond. Keep refining your approach, and watch your email marketing efforts flourish!

Simplify Email Marketing with B2 Collaborative 

If you still need help crafting creative emails that captivate, engage, and convert, let the team at B2 Collaborative infuse fresh approaches, innovative techniques, and industry best practices. We can even refine your list segmentation and breathe life into your email marketing strategy. With a full range of services, including digital advertising, social media, website content, and more, we’re ready to help you achieve your loftiest sales and marketing goals!