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BeHome247 | Blog Post: Improve the Guest Experience in 3 Easy Steps

Written by Sarah Bailey | September 30, 2022 at 10:31 PM
 As travelers become more technologically savvy, the guest experience should continuously change and adapt to the current landscape. Operators for hotels, short-term rentals, and timeshares alike should be offering an experience that’s consistent with other arms of the hospitality industry to stay ahead of expectations. This means that even mom-and-pop vacation rental managers with small portfolios and limited resources are expected to keep up with the latest trends, too.
While it's always a healthy exercise to examine the guest experience (or guest journey) from start to finishanalyzing how each touchpoint can be improved, workflows can be optimized, and messaging can be further tailored to the guestit can be just as fruitful to act swiftly and implement proven methods now.